With full responsibility, we can recommend Mrs. Anna Łojek as a conscientious and reliable sworn translator of English.
Chief Executive Office
Zakład Doświadczalny in Biskupiec
Chief Executive Office
Zakład Doświadczalny in Biskupiec
I hereby certify that Anna Łojek – Sworn English Translator, is the author of the translations of the texts into English contained in the publication “Biskupiec – a landscape full of possibilities. Guide to the city and the commune “(Biskupiec 2012), published by the Biskupiec commune.
Kamil Kozłowski
The Mayor of Biskupiec
Kamil Kozłowski
The Mayor of Biskupiec
I hereby confirm that the sworn English translator Mrs Anna Łojek has been regularly cooperating with the Regional Court in Olsztyn since the third quarter of 2012 in the provision of translation services in criminal cases related to the implementation of the European Arrest Warrants.
The Presidents of the Regional Court
in Olsztyn
The Presidents of the Regional Court
in Olsztyn